CONTROLLERS MAX5 SERIES EMEC ins versatility allows different programming solutions ;each channel can be programmed on user need,AAL information is provided through a widecreen LCD disply (240×64
5 Channel PLUS 1 FOR temperature
- Water treatment
- Cooling towers
- industrial chemical dosing
- Depuration
- Swimming pools disinfection
Factori parameter configuration
- pH
- Chlorine (total,fre and combined)
- Chlorine dioxide
- hydrogen peroxide
- ozone
- Turbidity
- Conductivity(contact or inductive)
- Dissolved oxygen
- Temperature
- Bromine
ins versatility allows different programming solutions ;each channel can be programmed on user need,
AAL information is provided through a widecreen LCD disply (240×64).
instrument has;
- 6 setpoint output (on /off,PID or PWM) and 6 proportional output
- 1 Temperature setpoit
- 1 probe cleaning output
- 5 level tank input
- 5 daily /weekly timer for multiple options like flocculant, algicide,lights….
- Water meter imput for water restore
- Temperature probe input
- Alarm output
- Wheel with ” EASY -NAV”Control
- ERMES web communication
- Local $ Remote Controlled
- Multiple probe readings can be viewed
- probe readout menu
- probes check up
- permanent data storage with system log
- stand -by imput
- Alarms;damaged probes-max dosage -2 overflw alarms per channel- 5 product level alarm-flow alarm
- Totalizer for instant flow rate
- MODBUS Protokol